Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system

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Closes 24 Sep 2024

Scope of consultation

Topic of this consultation: This consultation seeks views on our proposed approach to revising the National Planning Policy Framework in order to achieve sustainable growth in our planning system. We are also seeking views on a series of wider policy proposals in relation to increasing planning fees, local plan intervention criteria and appropriate thresholds for certain Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects. 

Scope of this consultation: The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government is seeking views on how we might revise national planning policy to support our wider objectives. Full details on the scope of consultation are found within chapter 1. Chapter 14 contains a table of all questions within this document and signposts their relevant scope. In responding to this consultation, we would appreciate comments on any potential impacts on protected groups under the Public Sector Equality Duty. A consultation question on this is found in chapter 13.  

Geographical scope: These proposals relate to England only. 

Basic Information 

Body/bodies responsible for the consultation: The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government 

Duration: This consultation will begin on Tuesday 30 July 2024 at 14:00pm and close at 11.45pm on Tuesday 24 September 2024. 

Enquiries: For any enquiries about the consultation please contact: 

How to respond 

Citizen Space is the department’s online consultation portal and our preferred route for receiving consultation responses. We strongly encourage responses are made via Citizen Space, particularly from organisations with access to online facilities such as local planning authorities, representative bodies and businesses. Consultations receive a high-level of interest across many sectors. Using the online survey greatly assists our analysis of the responses, enabling more efficient and effective consideration of the issues raised. 

If you cannot respond via Citizen Space, you may send your response by email to:  

Written responses should be sent to: 

Planning Policy Consultation Team 
Planning Directorate – Planning Policy Division 
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government 
Floor 3, Fry Building 
2 Marsham Street 

When you reply, it would be very useful if you please confirm whether you are replying as an individual or submitting an official response on behalf of an organisation and include: 

  • your name 

  • your position (if applicable) 

  • the name of organisation (if applicable) 

Please make it clear which question or paragraph number each comment relates to and ensure that the text of your response is in a format that allows copying of individual sentences or paragraphs, to help us when considering your view on particular issues. 

Thank you for taking time to submit responses to this consultation. Your views will help improve and shape our national planning policies.